Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cappuccino cookies


牛油 250g
糖粉 150g

装饰 巧克力粒适量



食谱来自(Christina Goh)

Friday, September 19, 2014


澄粉 50g
糯米粉 200g
细砂糖 70g
水 180g
小苏打粉 四分之一匙羹
氨粉(食用碳酸氢铵) 八分之一匙羹
色拉油 一匙羹























金瓜甜甜球 doughnut..


1) 高粉 220g 
2) 金瓜泥 90g (蒸熟趁热压成泥)
3) 细砂糖 30g
4) 奶粉 15g
5) 即溶酵母 4g
6) 全蛋 45g
7) 清水 30-40ml (视金瓜湿度)
8) 奶油 20g
9) 盐 少许

1) 把所有材料(除奶油)混合揉成团,再加入奶油,搅拌至扩展阶段。

2) 用保鲜纸盖上,发酵30分钟。

3) 把面团分割成每粒20g,滚圆,或整成甜甜圈造型。

4) 最后发酵10分钟。

5) 烧热油,炸至金黄色,捞取快速沾上细砂糖即可。

Monday, September 15, 2014

mini blueberry cheese tart

Sebelum kita buat Cheese tart kita sediakan dulu bahan2 tu buat Shell atau crust dia dulu

170gm marjerin atau butter
50gm gula aising
1 biji telur Gred C
290gm tepung gandum
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla
acuan tart

Pukul marjerin dan gula dengan menggunakan senduk kayu atau spatula. Jangan putar lama sangat.
Masukkan telur dan esen vanilla. Putar lagi dengan senduk kayu.
Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit.
Uli hingga menjadi doh yang lembut. Kuantiti tepung bergantung kepada kelembutan doh.
Untuk mendapatkan doh yang baik masukkan doh dalam plastik bag dan simpan dalam peti ais semalaman.

Ambil sedikit adunan dan tekan ke dalam acuan tat. Cucuk dengan garfu sebelum dibakar.Bakar pada suhu 170C selama 20 - 25 minit atau sehingga masak.
Crust atau shell ni kita boleh sediakan awal. Simpan dalam bekas kedap udara dan ia tahan lama. Tunggu Crust atau shell benar2 sejuk sebelum kita letakkan filling dan cheese. 

 Nota : Jika guna telur Gred B, buang sedikit putih telurnya untuk mengelakkan crust menjadi keras sangat.

Sediakan filling yg kita suka. Biasa kita boleh gunakan blueberry, strawberry, coklat, kiwi, oren atau jam nenas tuk buat filling cheese tart ni. Bahan2an untuk filing ni boleh kita dapatkan dari kedai2 menjual bahan2an tuk buat kuih dan kek. Kalau rajin boleh juga di buat sendiri.
Masukkan filling tu dalam piping bag utk memudahkan proses kita meletakkan ia dalam shell tadi. 

Lebih banyak filling kita letak bertambah sedap lah Cheese tat kita. Bila dah siap, ketepikan dan kita sediakan  pula bahan2 tuk membuat cheese dia pula.

250gm cream cheese
50gm gula kastor / gula halus
1 biji telur Saiz B
½ sudu teh esen vanilla / esen lemon

Keluarkan cream cheese 20 ~ 30 minit sebelum digunakan. JANGAN biarkan cream cheese mencapai ke suhu bilik.
Putar cream cheese dan gula hingga berkrim.
Masukkan telur dan esen vanilla. Putar lagi.

Masukkan filling ke dalam kulit tat. Untuk memudahkan kita gunakan kaedah yg sama untuk letakkan filing tadi. Dimana kita masukkan dalam piping bag dan picitkan di atas filing dalam shell tadi. Letak penuh supaya ia cantik membuncit.

Kemudian boleh lah kita mulakan proses tuk melorek atas cheese tat tadi.

Ambil sedikit cream cheese tadi dan titikkan sedikit pewarna yg kita suka. Kacau rata sehingga warna bergaul sempurna. Proses untuk melorek dilakukan ketika cheese tadi masih lembut. jangan biarkan cheese terlalu lama nanti dia dah mula mengering dan proses melorek tidah secantik yg kita inginkan.

  1. Dengan menggunakan pencungkil gigi, buat garis kecil2 di bahagian tepi.
  2. Bilangan garis2 kecil tersebut mengikut citarasa sendiri lebih banyak lebih cantik!
  3. Kemudian dengan menggunakan bahagian yang tajam, tarik daripada atas ke bawah  dalam bentuk bulatan untuk mendapatkan bentuk tersebut.

Bakar selama 5 minit pada suhu 170C. Sentuh cream dengan hujung jari. Jika tidak melekat, maknanya telah masak. Jika tidak, bakar dalam seminit lagi.
tambahan : ita bakar api atas bawah tapi ita letak dekat rak bawah. 

Untuk resepi ni, 1 adunan shell ita dapat buat dalam  40 biji shell itu pon bergantung kepada besar acuan dan ketebalan shell.
Bagi adunan cheese pula dapat dalam 70 - 80 shell.
Untuk stabilkan adunan buat 2 adunan crust atau shell dan 1 adunan cheese

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cantonese Egg Tarts 14-16pcs

Cantonese Egg Tarts (Printable recipe)
By Christine's Recipes
Prep time: 40 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Yield: Makes about 14-16 egg tarts (3-Inch Wide 1-1/2-Inch Deep Tart Tin)

Ingredients of crust:
  • 200 gm plain flour
  • 25 gm cake flour
  • 125 gm butter
  • 55 gm icing sugar
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • a dash vanilla extract
Ingredients of custard::
  • eggs
  • 70 gm caster sugar
  • 150 gm hot water
  • 75 gm evaporated milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Tart Shells

Method (making crust):
  • Place butter at room temperature until softened. Cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer over medium speed until the mixture is smooth, fluffy and light in color.
  • Add in whisked egg, half at a time, beat over low speed. Add vanilla extract, mix well.
  • Sift in flour in two batches, scraping down the sides of the bowl between additions with a spatula, and make sure all ingredients combine well. Knead into dough. (see picture)
  • Roll out the dough to a 1/2 cm thickness. Cut dough with a cookie cutter that is just a bit smaller than your tart tin in size. Line dough in the middle of tart tins, one by one. Lightly press the dough with your thumbs, starting from the bottom then up to the sides. While pressing the dough, turn the tart tin clockwise/anti-clockwise in order to make an even tart shell. Trim away any excess dough.
Egg Tarts Procedures

Method (making custard):
  • Add sugar into hot water, mix until completely dissolved.
  • Whisk egg with evaporated milk. Pour in sugar water. Mix well.
  • Sift egg mixture to get rid of any foam into a tea pot. Carefully pour egg mixture into each tart shell.
Method (baking tarts):
  • Preheat oven to 200C. Position rack in lower third of oven. Bake tarts for 10 to 15 minutes until the edges are lightly brown.
  • Lower the heat to 180C. Keep an eye on them. Once you see the custard being puffed up a bit, pull the oven door open about 2 to 3 inches. Bake for another 10 to 15 minutes until the custard is cooked through. Just insert a toothpick into the custard. If it stands on its own, it’s done.
Cantonese Egg Tarts03

  • Placing tarts at the lower rack in oven could cook crusts easily before the egg custard being heated up too quickly. (My oven will automatically turn on the heater at the bottom when it turns to “bake mode”. It’s better to check the menu of your own oven and know how your oven is designed.)
  • At the very last stage, pull the oven door open a few inches. This method is to avoid custard from being puffed up too high. The custard would collapse once they are cooled down otherwise.

Egg Tarts (黑妈妈祖传蛋挞)

Egg Tarts (黑妈妈祖传蛋挞)

(makes 10, tart mould size: 7cm diameter)

for the crust:
150g plain flour
1 tablespoon custard powder
1 tablespoon milk powder
100g butter, cold, cut into cubes
½ tablespoon caster sugar
½ large egg (about 25-30g), beaten
½ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

for the custard filling:
140g water
55g sugar (I used granulated sugar)
1½ large eggs, beaten
40g evaporated milk
½ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


for the custard filling:

  • Boil water and sugar till sugar dissolved. Let cool completely. Add beaten egg, evaporated milk and vanilla extract and mix well. Sieve 3 times. Set aside.
for the crust:
  • Sieve flour, custard powder and milk powder into a mixing bowl. Place cold, diced butter into mixing bowl. With a fork or a dough scraper, cut the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs. 
  • Add in sugar, mix well. Make a well in the centre and add beaten eggs and vanilla extract (if using). Mix with hand until the mixture comes together to form a soft dough. (Note: do not over mix or knead the dough as it may cause gluten to develop and the crust may become tough and hard upon baking). Pat the dough into a round ball and flatten it to form a disc (Wrap with cling wrap and leave to chill in the fridge for at least 30 mins before use. 
  • Lightly grease each tart mould with butter. (Updated as at 29 March '14, it is not necessary to grease the tart moulds).
  • When ready to use, divide the dough into 10 portion (about 29~30g each). For each portion, roll dough into a ball, flatten to form a small disc and place into the tart mould. Press dough into the mould until the dough comes up to slightly above the rim. (Note: I hold the mould with both hands, then press the dough into the mould using my two thumbs while at the same time turning the mould with my other fingers in a clock wise direction, going round and round until the dough is evenly moulded to the tart mould.) Smooth the edges at the rim with fingertips to make it even.
  • Fill each tart with the fillings to 80~90% full or till it comes just below the rim. Bake in middle rack in preheated oven at 180 degC for 20 mins. Leave to cool on cooling rack. To unmould,  invert the mould on your palm and tap the base of the mould with a spoon. The tart should release and drop onto your palm tap/knock the mould on table table for a few times, invert the mould on your palm and the tart should release and drop onto your palm. Place a paper liner on the base of the tart (optionally) and invert it back. 
  • Egg tarts are best freshly baked. Any left overs can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. Warm them in the oven and they will taste as good as freshly baked ones.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mini Cheese Tart (迷你芝士挞)

Mini Cheese Tart (迷你芝士挞)

(A) 100g icing sugar, 200g butter
(B) 1 egg
(C) 420g plain flour

1. 将(A)用搅拌机搅拌均匀,加入(B)搅拌至光滑。
2. 加入(C)搅匀即可。
3. 将面团压入挞模里即成。

(A) 250g cream cheese
(B) 30g butter, 100g castor sugar
(C) 1tbsp plain flour
(D) 1 egg
(E) 1 tbsp orange juice, 1 orange zest,grated
(F) 50g UHT whipping cream

1. 将(A)搅拌至光滑,加入(B)搅拌至鬆发。
2. 加入(C)搅匀,加入(D)搅拌均匀。
3. 加入(E),然后与(F)混合拌匀。
4. 将芝士混合料倒入挞模里。
5. 以175度烤45分钟至凝固及呈微黃色(个人烤箱温度不一样,只供参考)。

Photo: Mini Cheese Tart (迷你芝士挞)

Blog :

(A) 100g icing sugar, 200g butter 
(B) 1 egg 
(C) 420g plain flour 

1. 将(A)用搅拌机搅拌均匀,加入(B)搅拌至光滑。 
2. 加入(C)搅匀即可。 
3. 将面团压入挞模里即成。 

(A) 250g cream cheese 
(B) 30g butter, 100g castor sugar 
(C) 1tbsp plain flour 
(D) 1 egg 
(E) 1 tbsp orange juice, 1 orange zest,grated 
(F) 50g UHT whipping cream

1. 将(A)搅拌至光滑,加入(B)搅拌至鬆发。 
2. 加入(C)搅匀,加入(D)搅拌均匀。 
3. 加入(E),然后与(F)混合拌匀。 
4. 将芝士混合料倒入挞模里。 
5. 以175度烤45分钟至凝固及呈微黃色(个人烤箱温度不一样,只供参考)。

cream tart and chocolate tart

rolling out chocolate tarts
Never mind that the dough is chocolate in these pictures. The process is the same.
Fruit and Cream Mini-Tarts
These shortbread-crusted tarts are filled with a light, creamy custard and topped with fresh fruit of your choice.
Serves: 13-14 tarts
Tart Crust:
  • 1-1/2 cups unbleached flour
  • ⅓ cup powdered sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup butter (1 stick), chilled
  • 1 egg yolk (from a large egg)
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream
Cream Filling:
  • 2-3/4 cups milk (I use 2-1/2 cups nonfat milk + ¼ cup whipping cream but any type will work)
  • ⅔ cup sugar
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup currant jelly
  1. Combine flour, sugar and salt in food processor. Cut butter into 8 slices and add to flour, pulsing several times until mixture resembles oatmeal. Add egg yolk mixed with cream. Pulse until all ingredients are moistened. Then allow machine to run a few seconds until dough starts to stick together. (Add additional drops of cream if dough seems too dry.) Press dough into a roll like refrigerated cookie dough. Wrap in plastic and chill 30 minutes.
  2. Spray molds generously with Baker's Secret or something like it. (Baker's Secret is an aerosol spray that mixes flour and oil.) If using silicone molds, no greasing is necessary.
  3. Slice roll of dough into 12 pieces. Using a rolling pin, roll dough between two pieces of plastic wrap into a circle slightly larger than tart molds. Press into mold with fingers being careful to keep thickness consistent. Use a knife to trim off any extra at the top. I usually have enough scraps to make another tart or two. Freeze for at least 30 minutes, overnight or up to a month.
  4. Place frozen tart shells on cookie sheet and press a small square of foil down into each crust that molds to shape of crust. See picture above. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Remove foil and continue to bake until golden brown, usually about 3-4 minutes.
Cream Filling:
  1. Add milk, sugar, cornstarch, salt, and egg yolks, (in that order) to blender. Blend 5 seconds and pour into 2-quart glass microwave-safe bowl. Microwave 6 minutes on HIGH, whisking until smooth after 3 minutes, then every minute thereafter.
  2. Add butter and vanilla and whisk until smooth.
  1. Fill each baked tart shell with cream filling. Top with fruit of your choice. Melt ¼ cup currant jelly and use a brush to dab some shininess on each piece of fruit. It's OK if some drips onto the cream.
1. If dough in food processor seems too dry to press into a ball, add a teaspoon or two of milk or cream. 2. Tarts are best eaten the day they are assembled. 3. A dollop of whip cream makes these even better.   

Chocolate Ganache Mini-Tarts-70.jpg
Top with a raspberry, strawberry, cherry or other fruit of your choice. Whipped cream isn’t bad either.
Unlike tart shells with a cooked cream filling, shells filled with ganache can be prepared 2-3 days ahead.
Garnish the top with whipped cream and chocolate curls or shavings. Or make it simple. Use fresh fruit to add color and interest. Either of these should be added at the last minute.

Chocolate Ganache Mini-Tarts
Serves: 13 tarts
Chocolate Crust
  • 1-1/4 cup unbleached flour
  • ¼ cup dark, unsweetened cocoa
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup cold butter
  • 1 large egg
Chocolate Ganache Filling
  • 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate
  • ½ cup heavy cream (or whipping cream)
  • 2 tablespoons soft butter
Chocolate Crust
  1. Add first four ingredients to a food processor and pulse until well blended.
  2. Cut butter into 8 pieces. Add to dry ingredients and pulse until mixture looks like oatmeal.
  3. Use fork to break up and mix egg, then pour it all at once into the food processor bowl. Pulse 5-6 times to begin to moisten mixture. Let machine run steadily for a few seconds. Watch carefully until mixture begins to stick together and starts to form a ball. Machine will make a different sound as this happens.
  4. Press dough into a cylinder (like a roll of refrigerated cookie dough), cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate at least 30-45 minutes or up to a week.
  5. When ready to make crusts, cut cylinder into 12 equal slices. I usually end of with 13 tarts because I roll all the scraps together to make the 13th shell.
  6. Roll each slice between plastic wrap until just slightly larger around than tart shell. Dough should be just shy of ¼ inch thick and a consistent thickness throughout. This can be a little tricky at first. Practice makes perfect.
  7. Cover and freeze mini-tart shells until rock hard.
  8. Place tart shells onto a cookie sheet. Cover the inside of each tart with foil pressed to fit down inside. Bake in preheated 400 degrees F oven for 10 minutes. Remove the foil and bake 2-3 more minutes.
  9. Cool for 5 minutes. Remove crust from pan or mold. Fill when completely cool.
Chocolate Ganache Filling
  1. Chop chocolate and place into a deep bowl.
  2. Heat cream just until it starts to boil, then pour over chocolate and let sit for several minutes until chocolate has melted.
  3. Use a whisk or spoon to begin stirring in lazy circles starting from the middle until mixture is uniform. Don't go crazy stirring or chocolate will lose its beautiful gloss. A gentle motion is good.
  4. Add butter in small pieces and continue mixing gently until ganache is once again uniform.
  5. Mixture should be thick enough to go straight into the crusts, but if runny, refrigerate for a few minutes until it thickens.
  1. Chill tarts until ready to serve. Remove 30 minutes before serving to allow filling to soften a bit. Garnish with fruit or whipped cream.
Crust dough may be stored, well-wrapped, in the refrigerator one week. Or store in the freezer for 6 months. I prefer to freeze the raw tart shells and bake the day I want to serve them for maximum freshness with last-minute convenience. Ganache may be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator. Warm very gently. I put it in a small bowl inside a larger bowl partially filled with hot water until it softens enough to spoon into baked crusts. Re-chill before serving.   

Thursday, September 11, 2014


油皮:面粉240g 菜油45g 砂糖1大匙, 108ml (我多加一点水)
油心:低筋面粉120g  白油85g

1. 油皮:将全部材料搓揉至光滑,休面30
2. 油心:将面粉白油拌匀。(不要拌太久,不然会很黏)。
3. 把水皮和油皮分分割成20份。(油皮21g, 油心10-11g
4.取一份水皮包入一份油皮。杆,卷起,重复再做一次。 两端折球状。休面10

我将将一大匙牛油 加一小匙蜜糖,在微波炉叮20秒至融化,扫在刚出炉的包子上,包子会有甜甜香香的奶油味,外皮也会呈现亮亮好看的色泽。

300g 鸡肉 (切碎)
1 大葱 (切丁)
30g 杂豆或青豆

2tbsp 白糖
1tbsp 耗油
1tbsp 麻油
1tbsp 生抽
1.5tbsp 叉烧酱
少许 五香粉

½ tbsp 粟米粉加1tbsp清水拌匀

1 3tbsp油,把大葱炒香,加入鸡肉炒一炒,再加入青豆炒至香。 倒入调味料和适量的清水炒至稍干。打芡,取出待冷。

Actually the pastry handling for this Siew Bao is similar like earlier Tau Sha Piah (Flaky mung beans biscuits . I use the same step by step photo.
Picnik collage

Chicken filling

Before baking..

You need to bake it twice, when 2nd egg wash , you have to egg wash one then sprinkle sesame seeds but don't egg wash all at one go, as the hot buns will quickly cook the egg, when you sprinkle sesame seeds, it will not stick to the surface.